Enjoy the essence

Thanks to our organic farming, maturation and coloration on the tree, harvest by request, and our  good service in 2 or 3 days, you will be able to enjoy the flavour and the fresh juice.

Nutrition is essential in our life. When eating, we enjoy the smell and the flavour of food. Thus, we are  growing up, living healthily and enjoying good health.

The organic Agriculture combines the natural and traditional methods of our farmer ancestors with the current means of production, transport and communication, in order to serve both people and the environment.

As our forefathers used to do, we never use any herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers  with chemical synthesis, cameras with ethylene to change and provide an exact uniform color nor do we use any waxes to make the mandarins and oranges brighter.

We serve our organic certified fresh mandarins and oranges once they are already matured on the tree, harvested by request, brushed dry and with their natural sheen.

We do believe in organic agriculture because it is better for both people and the environment, and for many other reasons: conviction, efficiency, difference, strategy and vision of future.

We would like to inform you about some features you might not know:

  • If you see any orange-coloured mandarins or oranges but with green tones, do not push them back if the stem is green. Try their internal quality. These mandarins or oranges might have been on the tree changing their colour according to the descent of temperatures, at the same time lowering their acidity, gaining flavour and juice.
  • You may get surprised by the green tone of the skin, because most of the citrus fruits, at the beginning of the season, are harvested with a light green colour and they are later put into cameras with ethylene for  several days in order to accelerate and get a uniform change of colour. Although they do not improve their internal quality in the camera, the stem will probably be less green. It can even be dry and wooden coloured for some days after their harvesting.
  • An orange or a mandarin, orange coloured  with green tones and a green stem, might be fresher and have better internal quality, despite not completing the change of colour, than the uniform coloured ones with less greener stem.
  • The essential quality is the internal one, that's why we act consequently and allow mandarins and oranges to change their colour on the tree. Although we should inform you that the best, most logical, most natural and efficient thing  is exceptional.

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