Category Archives: developments

New mandarins

We have been sowing, and just beginning to produce, new varieties of organicl high quality mandarins in the months of February, March and April, which can be easily peeled off and are seedless. We do believe that these new varieties can be preserved and adapt to our region due to its permeable soil and fresher…

New oranges

We are sowing, and just beginning to produce, new varieties of organic oranges, which will be better than the old ones. The skin of the Fukumoto orange  is better than the Navelina. The skin of the Chislett orange is not as sour  as the one in other late varieties and is smoother. It also allows…

New system of irrigation

We own a plot with different kinds of soil, as well as with diverse varieties of organic mandarins and oranges in an improved pattern. We use a double system of irrigation: dripping and low flow spraying over the trees, which allows us: to water the whole surface as if it were raining, to protect the…